New camera
My Canon SD100 developed a problem last week. The menu button stop working. After only 2-1/2 years! As you can imagine, I wasn't very happy about it.
I called Canon to find out how to get it serviced. An inter-active voice system answered the the call. Not a good start. I listened to and repeated the menu items I wanted. Camera. Service.
The peppy voice told me "Hold on, while I transfer you to the next available service technician." I groaned. After two rings, another voice answered, "This is Canon Service, my name is Keith. How can I help you?" I was stunned. A real human being in less than 60 seconds. Is this legal?
I told Keith about my sick camera. He gave me two choices. For $99 Canon would fix my camera. Or, for another $40 they would send me, within two business days, a refurbished, almost like brand new SD400. It arrived Monday. It's light years ahead of the SD100. Smaller than a deck of cards, 5 megapixels, big LCD, a new battery, accessories, everything. And a six month warranty.
Kudos to Canon. They have customer service down to science.
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